Monday 2 August 2010

FaCebOoK eTiQuEtTe

If you're positively addicted to Facebook, here are some etiquette pointers tp avoid online social faux pas..

AVIOD putting "Whatever I can get" in your dating status
Although you may treat as a joke, some people may actually take it that you are desperate!! Bear in mind that it's an open invitation to creepers to add you - so think again..

PICTURE please
Put up a picture. People tent to have the impression that those who don't post a profile picture are ugly or have something to hide.. Having a picture (your own picture) on also makes it easier for old friends to look you up..

BEWARE the explicit
There are plenty of applications that are violent or loaded with sexual innuendos.. Although it's all done in good fun and most people would take it well, you might just want to be little more cautious.. Suppose the friend you've been sending hugs and tickles to takes it all wrongly??

Do not post message with expletives..

LOVE bites
Don't make your Facebook profile a shrine for your dearest.. Couple photos are OK but confessing your undying love for each other on your walls or sending gazillion hugs and kisses through apps is not.. Your friends don't appreciate your i Phone, even if it's on the Web..

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