Tuesday 31 August 2010

HaPpInEsS BoOsTeRs

For a quick feel-good pick-me-up :

- Book in for a massage..

- In your car, sing along a song you love..

- Buy yourself a bunch of flowers..

- Do a great job on your hair and make-up and feel fantastic all day..

- Hit your fave cafe for quality me-mochaccino and-magazine time..

- Soak in the warm bubble bath..

- Sit outside when night is falling and watch the stars come out..

Do something nice for someone you love like leaving them an "I miss you" message on their cell-phone..

Saturday 28 August 2010

oPeRaSi DiTeRuSkAn

Assalamualaikum semua.. Maaf la yea, AcHiKz tak post apa2 sehari dua ni sebab AcHiKz minta adik AcHiKz format semula netbook.. Terasa nak pakai Windows 7 pulak sebab sebelum ni pakai Windows XP..

Setelah dua hari berehat sebab sakit jari gara2 kuih samprit, hari ni AcHiKz menyambung semula operasi yang tertangguh.. Kali ni AcHiKz buat ALLSPICE BUTTER COOKIE.. Ini bukan resipi mama tapi jumpa dalam majalah.. Rasa macam menarik, sebab tu la AcHiKz cuba buat..

Bahan-bahan :
250gram mentega
300gram tepung gandum
40gram tepung jagung
100gram gula
1 1/2 sudu teh Allspice

Cara penyediaan :
- pukul mentega bersama gula sehingga kembang..
- gaul bersama tepung gandum, tepung jagung dan rempah allspice..
- masukkan bahan kering dalam adunan mentega bersama gula tadi..
- uli dengan sekata..
- canaikan doh dan terap mengikut corak yang disukai..
- hiaskan mengikut kreativiti anda..
- bakar pada suhu 175 darjah celcius selama 10-12 minit..

dohnya tak terlalu lembut dan tak terlalu keras..
just nice.. (^^)

ini la hasilnya.. boleh dapat dalam 50-70 biji bergantung pada ketebalan doh yang dicanai serta bentuk acuan yang digunakan..

First time AcHiKz buat biskut ni.. Tak tahu apa rasanya.. Tapi bau biskut ni sedap sebab ada rempah allspice.. Lepas berbuka nanti baru nak cuba..

Thursday 26 August 2010

JaRi2kU SaKiT sEmUa

Dah siap 1 jenis biskut, dah berkobar2 nak buat 1 jenis lagi biskut.. Nak buat biskut samprit kegemaran AcHiKz sejak kecik sampai la dah besar bulat macam sekarang ni.. Ada beberapa reispi samprit yang AcHiKz ada.. Kali ni nak guna reispi yang belum dicuba..

Dah bancuh2 dapat rasa ada yang tak kena dengan adunan.. Rasa keras aje adunan tu.. Sepatutnya adunan kuih samprit kan lembut sebab senang la nak tekan keluar acuan.. Tak boleh jadi ni.. Kena buat sesuatu kalau tak, rugi la adunan tu..

Ubahsuai AcHiKz berjaya!! Cuma tambah sikit mentega aje..
Ni la hasilnya.. Tak sah kalau tak guna tudung periuk bila nak buat kuih raya.. he3

design klasik yang jadi pilihan utama..

dah tukar design sebab dah lenguh jari menekan adunan..

Hari ni belum ada rancangan nak buat kuih lagi sebab jari2 ni masih sakit..

Wednesday 25 August 2010

SiX sTaGeS oF sTaLkInG

Studies have identified 6 progressively worse stages to stalking..
Where are you??

Stalkers send flowers, love notes and other signs of affection to their targets and repeatedly try to arrange a meeting or conversation..

Things get murky here.. Stalkers start to watch, track and follow their target's movements, whether at work or at play..

Stalkers leave repeat voice mails, letters or emails at targets's work and home, and may even start making unannounced visits..

This is when things get crazy.. Stalkers may send suicide notes or death threats to their targets or their family or work affiliates..

"If I can't get oyu, no one will.." Stalkers may get physical and attempt assault on the target of their affiliates..

"If I can't get you, I'll get your cat.." Stalkers who cannot reach their targets may transfer their anger and violence onto others believed to be obstructing access to the targets..

MoRe MeGaPiXeLs, BeTtEr CaMeRa??

Not necessarily!! If you find that pictures from your 10 megapixel camera phone doesn't s tack up against those from your pal's lower megapixel count digital SLR camera, here's why..

How a digital camera works?? Light lands on a sensor where pixels collect light and convert it into data.. The more pixels packed onto a sensor, the higher image resolution.. The sensor size and pixels in a mobile phone is way smaller than the sensor found in DSLR camera - bigger sensors have bigger light-catching pixels.. To achieve a high resolution, camera phone makers pack as many tiny pixels as they can onto tiny sensors.. The pixels in these point-and-shoots are not the same as the high-quality pixels found on DSLR cameras..

When you taking pictures at night under low light source with your camera phone, a lot of heat is created which is one of the ways "noise" is generated.. Not the audio sort, but it's the rainbow-coloured random grains you sometimes see in pictures taken in a dim setting.. A lower megapixel count with a bigger sensor on the other hand will produce cleaner images.. Advanced digital models tone down the grains with noise reduction functions, a feature you normally won't find on a camera phone..

Tuesday 24 August 2010

PrOjEk AcHiKz bErMuLa!!

Hari ni AcHiKz dah mula sesi membuat kuih raya.. AcHiKz rasa sekarang ni la masa yang paling sesuai nak buat kuih raya sebab bila dah penghujung bulan Ramadan ada banyak benda lain lagi nak kena buat..

Hari ni AcHiKz buat Biskut Kopi Marmar.. Biskut ni sebenarnya bukan la pilihan utama AcHiKz bila buat biskut raya tiap2 tahun tapi tahun ni terasa nak makan pulak.. Lagi pun apa aje berkaitan dengan kopi memang la tak boleh untuk katakan tidak.. he3

Ikut aje segala sukatan dalam buku resipi mama ni.. Sukat2 macam buat ubat dulu kat makmal farmaseutik pulak rasanya.. Harap2 la semuanya menjadi..

Adunan biskut yang dah siap AcHiKz uli..

Tengah pukul putih telur sampai kembang..

Hasil icing yang akan diletak atas biskut nanti..

Ni la hasil yang sepatutnya AcHiKz dapat tapi hasil yang AcHiKz dapat tak la secantik macam gambar kat atas ni.. Malu la nak tunjuk kat sini.. Biar aje la tetamu yang datang nanti tengok.. Coraknya yang tak lawa macam diatas tapi rasa biskutnya tetap marvelous!!

Monday 23 August 2010

HoW tO RiNg-FeNcE YoUr ReLaTiOnShIp


1- Sort out the guidelines with your new man before your relationship starts to get serious.. Make sure you share common values, friendship being one of them of course..

2- Discuss how your relationship should be prioritised.. What's the pecking order in term of time and energy spent alone as a couple ang with each other's mates??

3- Make it clear to your friends that, although you need private time, you value them and that they're important..

4- Agree that if a relationship problem occurs, you work it out between the two of you and not escape into friends as a solution..

5- No matter how busy or entwined your life becomes, set a routine time for a 'date' with each other exclusively. On the date, ask each other "how are you?? how are you really??" This should keep the relationship on a healthy keel and successfully ring-fenced..

pOrTiOn CoNtRoL

One of the simplest way to lose or maintain your scale digits is by understanding that size matters!!

- one serving of meat, fish or chicken should equate to the size of a deck of cards..
- one serving of baked potato is about the size of a computer mouse..
- one serving of cereals, chips, cooked rice or pasta should be size of your palm..
- one serving of fruit or vegetables should be the size of your fist..

eat food in smaller bowls or plates.. through this may seem like a drastic move, research indicates that you eat less when food is served in a smeller dish compared to a large plate..


Limit wedge-shaped foods like pizza, pie and cake.. Recent research show that people have a tough time controlling their intake of wedge-shaped foods.. Cut your pizza or quiches into squares though it's an odd practice it's easier to judge how much you've eaten..

DiOrAnG FaHaM Ke aPa YaNg AcHiKz TuLiS??

Semenjak dua menjak ni AcHiKz HoUz telah menerima kunjungan dari luar Malaysia.. Terima kasih yang tak terkira AcHiKz ucapkan sebab sudi singgah kat AcHiKz HoUz ni.. Tapi AcHiKz musykil sikit sebab selain dari lingkungan Asia Tenggara (Indonesia dan Filipina), kunjungan luar yang AcHiKz terima tu datangnya dari negara2 Eropah dan juga dari Amerika Selatan..























Memang AcHiKz ada post beberapa entry berbahasa Inggeris kat sini tapi majoriti entry AcHiKz dalam Bahasa Melayu, bahasa campur pula tu.. Faham ke diorang apa yang AcHiKz tulis kat sini??

Tak pe la.. Apa pun AcHiKz nak ucapkan terima kasih sebab sudi la menjenguk kat rumah AcHiKz yang tak seberapa ni.. Walaupun ada juga la berangan nak menulis blog dalam Bahasa Inggeris sepenuhnya tapi AcHiKz masih belum sedia.. Lagipun AcHiKz ni masih baru dalam menulis blog ni.. Masih belajar lagi.. Bila AcHiKz akan bersedia?? Hanya masa akan menentukannya..

Sunday 22 August 2010

HiGhWaY hYpNoSiS

Highway hypnosis is the state of mind you enter after driving on a long straight road for long period of time.. You know that moment when your subsconcious mind seems to do all the road handling while your concious mind think of something else.. That's when you enter this hypnotic state of driving..

It is extremely dangerous and in order to keep highway hypnosis at bay, use the following tips..

- do not eat heavy meals before leaving, as these induce sleepiness..

- keep your window open and your car sufficiently uncomfortable to protect angainst cosiness..

- stop every two or three hours for refreshment..

- talk to your passengers..

- keep your eyes moving and check your rear view mirrors often (at night set your mirror for night driving)..

- look at all the road signs and traffic around you..

- don't try to drive too far in one day..

- don't drive during your sleeping hours..

- if you feel the onset at any symptoms, get off the road as soon as possible!!

Saturday 21 August 2010

iT's StOrMiN' oUt ThErE!!

Driving on a wet day can be more hazardous then we often realise.. Keep this tips in mind to keep you and your passenger safe especially during festive season..

Make sure that your tyre are properly inflated and have good thread.. Your brakes are in excellent condition and your headlight, tail-lights and indicator lights are working..

Scuff your wet shoes on the mat to dry the soles to prevent your feet from slipping off the pedals while driving..

Avoid speeding or tailgating because it takes three times longer to slow down on wet roads compared to on dry roads.. When you slow down, apply brakes gently so that your vehicle doesn't skid..

If your car does skid, apply firm pressure on the brake pedal and steer in the direction of the skid..

If you do choose to drive in a downpour, don't turn on your hazard lights as that informs other drivers that your car is stationary.. Instead, turn on your headlights..

MiNd gYm

Memory tricks to help you retain what you learn and need to remember..

Memorising your dairy : at the end of each day so that you also keep the information in your head..

Reinforcing information : when you learn something new, writing it down in point form will help you remember it as will repeating the pivotal points out loud..

Visual cues : e.g. take a mental snapshot of the bright yellow house and the four big trees on the corner, to help you remember how you got to your friend's house..

Reading the index : when reading a book, if there is an index look at it first so you get an idea of what's in it and how the topics relate..

Make melody or chant : e.g. memorise your boyfriend's cell number by singing it to the tune af a song you like..

Memory prompts : if you have to remember short shopping list, then construct a little story to boost association.. e.g. your list of milk, cheese, magazines, chocolate and strawberries might become : There was a cow with a cheese head and chocolate body.. When he read magazine stories, strawberry milk came out of his eyes.. the funnier or stranger it is, the easier it will be to remember..

Friday 20 August 2010

AcHiKz SaKiT MaTa

Assalamualaikum semua.. Mood AcHiKz tak berapa baik hari ni sebab AcHiKz sakit mata.. Bukan sakit mata akibat jangkitan pada mata ni tapi sakit mata tengok perempuan bertudung tapi bersanggul besar lagi tinggi.. Lagi tinggi dari mak Arab pakai..

Rasanya tak perlu la AcHiKz nak tunjuk macamana rupanya sebab dah ramai sangat perempuan yang gayakan tudung macam ni.. Dah ramai personaliti televisyen tak kira la pelakon ke, pengacara rancangan ke atau pun penyanyi bertudung macam tu.. Kat luar ni lagi la.. Yang muda remaja sampai la perempuan yang tak dapat nak pasti berapa umur dia.. Kat mata si pemakai mungkin dia nampak lawa tapi kat mata AcHiKz ni nampak tak berapa elok la.. Nampak lonjong aje kepala tu.. Lonjong panjang.. Itu satu hal, lepas tu tudung yang dipakai pula singkat aje kat bahagian depan, yang labuhnya kat bahagian belakang.. Macam tak ada makna aje bila bertudung..

AcHiKz ni hanya umat ALLAH s.w.t yang sangat2 kerdil, mungkin ada yang berpendapat AcHiKz ni tak ada hak untuk menegur.. AcHiKz hanya memberi peringatan pada yang lupa dan semoga peringatan ni akan diterima dengan baik seadanya..

Thursday 19 August 2010

HoW tO MoVe On AfTeR 1St DaTe DiSaStEr

Whether you had period stain, farted or accidentally pushed your food out of your plate; here's how to get over the disaster..

Step 1 : Ask yourself if you like the guy.. If you do, move on to step 2.. If not, then bravo on your disastrous acts!!

Step 2 : Call your nearest or dearest friend to dissect the details of the evening.. You may find out that everything else went well and realise it wasn't bad after all minus the your moment of shame..

Step 3 : Think how the date ended.. Paying attention whether it will be a second date or skid marks on the road..

Step 4 : Act as nothing is happened and don't wait for his call..

Step 5 : If he doesn't call, it's not meant to be.. But maybe practise some table poise you will succeed on you next date..

Good luck.. (^^)

PeRiNgAtAn BuAt SeMuA

Harap2 tahun ni tak ada yang putus jari, buta mata atau pun terbakar rumah gara2 main mercun.. AcHiKz harap jari tu masih cukup sepuluh agar dapat bersalaman dan bermaaf-maafan dengan ahli keluarga di pagi Aidilfitri nanti.. Semoga korang berhari raya di kampung halaman, bukan di katil wad hospital..

p/s : hasil seni dari senior kolej AcHiKz, Edi Putra (bukan nama sebenar).. Thanks!!

SiMpLe BbQ TiPs

Do :
- Consistently flip and turn food at least once in 2-3 minutes over a lower heat to cook it evenly..
- Use tongs to flip food, as a fork's food piercing will cause juices to drip out and burn into char..

Don't :
- Dump frozen food straight to the grills as they will char on the outside before the inside is cooked..

GrEeN-EaTiNg LiNgO DeCoDeD!!

Label-reading is an important process to picking out our food.. And if you're getting onto the enviro-friendly band of eating, here's a little guide to make food-picking a lil' easier!!

Grass-fed :
Meat that 100 percent grass-fed

Pastured or pasture-raised :
It usually means that an animal has roamed grassy field throughout its life..

Natural :
Regulated for meat and poultry, signals that no artificial ingredients have been added to the produce..

Organic :
No pesticides, synthetic fertilisers, antibiotics or growth hormone has been used in meat and dairy product..

No hormone administrated :
An unverified certification that an animal has never been fed with hormones in its lifetime..

No antibiotics administration :
Another unverified term that aims to tell you the meat or poultry has not been given any antibiotics..

Wednesday 18 August 2010

YoU SaY, He HeArS..

You say :
"Is that what you're wearing??"
He hears :
"You don't make an effort anymore.."
The better phrase :
"The black pants looks so much sexier on you.."

You say :
"My boss is such a b***h"
He hears :
"Tell me how to 'fix' this situation.."
The better phrase :
"I had a really crappy day at work and want to tell you how I'm feeling.. I need to let these emotions out and afterwards, I want to tell you what I am going to do about this situation.."

You say :
"We need to talk.."
He hears :
"I'm really angry at you"
The better phrase :
"Can we go over a couple of things about spending more time alone together tonight??"

You say :
"Do you find her attractive??"
He hears :
"Potential trap ahead"
The better pharase :

You say :
"Cheer up.. No one wins all the time"
He hears :
"You loser"
The better phrase :
"That guy is such a suck up.. He can't cover his a** forever and soon the management is going to see him for what he is.."

You say :
"Nothing's wrong.. I'm fine.."
He hears :
"Now I have to dig around and find the latest crime I'm guilty of.."
The better phrase :
"When you did/didn't X, it made me feel Y and I'd like Z to be done to fix it.."

You say :
"You're such a good person.."
He hears :
"And you can never have too many such friends in your life.."
The better phrase :
"You're such a good person and I an so happy to have you as a boyfriend.." (^^)